The Summer heat is out and time to catch up on some pool time, work on that tan and the most important of all.... make sure to stay cool for the summer and not melt away. The summer heat sure is HOTT.. but that doesn't mean your home should be... Check out these energy efficient features and upgrades that are sure to put more money into your pockets so you can enjoy extra savings on your electricity bill!

A simple energy efficient feature that can easily be overlooked is the type of window used in your home. Investing in high quality, energy efficient windows can be one of the best decisions a home buyer ever makes. Low-E Windows have advanced window coatings that keeps the heat out during the summer and keep heat it in during the winter without making too much of an impact on how much visible light can come through.
Furniture fading from the harsh sunlight? Along with saving money on the energy bill, these energy efficient Low-E windows can help save the color of furniture by blocking out damaging UV rays.
Having effective insulation in your home saves money and energy, and it makes a home more comfortable to live in. We suggest to anyone looking to buy a home to have additional insulation that goes beyond the required standard insulation. It can be in the home’s walls, flooring and roof and helps balance the room temperature. With extra insulation, less work from the heating and cooling systems is needed therefore minimizing the use of excess energy and helping save on energy costs.

Titan homes also have quality heating and cooling systems that are efficient and help maximize your daily comfort. In recent years, standard heating and cooling systems have used up more energy than necessary, but now advanced heating and cooling features are available. Heating and cooling systems have long progressed dramatically in recent years due to the high demand for energy efficiency.
Home buyers can upgrade to an energy efficient water heater that has a thick side wall with better insulation and uses less energy by retaining more heat.

Consider looking for a home that is ENERGY STAR® certified! (We happen to be the first manufactured mobile home company to do so) For a home to have this certification, it must abide by strict requirements set by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Homes that are certified will typically have the energy efficient features mentioned above or features that are similar such as CFL lightbulbs or programmable thermostats. Energy efficient mobile home features have many benefits and they are available in homes built by the Champion Homes building group.
If you’re looking for a new, energy efficient home this summer, stop by your local Titan Factory Direct home center and ask a home consultant about the Smart Energy Home package and many other energy efficient upgrades that can be added to most Titan homes.
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