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10 Brilliant Ways to Beat The Summer Heat

Written by Gabriella Gonzalez | Jun 19, 2018 8:56:12 PM

10 Brilliant Ways to Beat the Summer Heat 

Summer is officially here! As we start packing up the winter wear and start loading up on the sunscreen, jumping into our two pieces and soaking up the sun, some of us are trying to just keep from becoming hot sweaty messes. We've come up with these top 10 brilliant ways to Beat the Heat


1. Drink lots of water

Make sure to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to replenish your body’s lost fluids. Avoid beverages that contain alcohol, caffeine, or lots of sugar, which are dehydrating. Staying hydrated during the summer heat will protect you from heat exhaustion. You should not wait until you’re feeling thirsty to drink water! If you're tired of the plain old H2O, try adding in some fresh fruit to add some flavor


2. Freeze your sheets 

It may sound like a recipe for a sleepless night, but wetting your bed sheets and chilling them can work wonders. Simply throw the ones you have in the freezer for three to four hours before you go to bed. Then, pull them out, put them on the bed, and enjoy the cool.


3. Ditch the incandescents and get cooler lights 

If you ever needed motivation to make the switch to CFLs, or compact fluorescent lamps, this is it. Incandescent bulbs waste about 90 percent of their energy in the heat they emit, so tossing them to the curb will make a small difference in cooling your home while lowering your electric bill.


4. For the Kiddos: Balloon Piñatas 

Fill up balloons with water and tie them to a string. Use the end of the string to secure to a tree branch or fence post. Give them a plastic bat for the piñata beating to begin.


5. Let's not forget our Fur Babies! 

One of our favorite ways to cool off in the sun is to snack on ice cream, and your pup doesn’t have to miss out on the fun. Chilled or frozen treats are a fun surprise for dogs and can help relieve boredom as well as conquer the heat.


6. Practice "Texas Cool" 

"Texas cool" is a morning and evening routine that takes advantage of cool outdoor temperatures at night and keeps the heat at bay as much as possible during daylight hours. It's very simple to do: At night when the temperature drops, open windows and bring in cool air with window fans or a whole-house fan. As soon as the sun comes up or the air starts to heat up, shut the windows and shades and keep doors closed.


7. Get your grill on 

Ok, this is obvious. Using your oven or stove in the summer will make your house hotter. If it already feels like 100 degrees in your home, the last thing you want to do is turn on a 400-degree oven. Besides, who doesn’t want to get more mileage out of their outdoor furniture and seasonal accessories?

Plus, if you are wanting to make your outdoor patio or porch look even cooler, check out these Creative Lighting Options for Your Patio This Summer


8. Build a fan fortress 

A fan, which costs two to five cents per hour to operate, will make a room feel 4 to 6 degrees cooler. Set up your fans in windows or hallways so you get an awesome cross breeze, drawing in cooler air from one part of your home (or outside) and pushing the warm air elsewhere. If you have ceiling fans, make sure to set them up to optimal cooling.


9. Block the summer heat out 

As much as 20 percent of summer heat enters your home as sunlight shining through windows. To cut the summer heat, add curtains or blinds to rooms that get direct sun and draw them in daylight hours. With the shades drawn, a well-insulated house will gain only 1 degree per hour when outdoor temperatures are above 85 degrees.


10. Seal air leaks

The places where cold air infiltrates in winter are routes for hot air in summer. And what's worse, hot air is often accompanied by high humidity, making you even more uncomfortable. Concentrate on the attic, basement and crawl space; pay close attention to anything that passes through a ceiling or wall, such as ductwork, electrical or plumbing conduits and kitchen and bath vents. Other common leaky spots are around windows and doors. If you can rattle a window, it's leaking.



With these simple yet brilliant ways to beat the summer heat,  you are well on your way to staying cool for the summer! Do you have some cool tricks or hacks on how you beat the summer heat? Share with us! We would love hearing from you and getting some great ideas! 

Want to be even more cooler for the summer? Check out our refreshing Beat the Heat Summer Sales Event along with our amazing energy efficient homes we have available at all our Titan locations and find yourself saving hundreds on all your summer utility bills!